'In Modern Style', Music of 17th Century Italy
Tarquinio Merula (1595-1665)
Canzona La Monteverde, Op. 17 No. 7 per canto e basso (Venice, 1651)
Capriccio Cromatico, from Composizioni per Organo e Cembalo
Marco Uccellini (ca. 1603 – 1680)
Sonata seconda ‘detta la Luciminia Contenta’
for violin and basso continuo, from: Sonate, Correnti e Arie da
camera e da chiesa a 1, 2 e 3, Op. 4 (1645)
Giovanni Batista Fontana (1589 - 1630)
Sonata Decima a Fagotto e violino, from Sonate a 1, 2, 3 (Venice, 1641)
Arcangelo Corelli (1653 - 1713)
Sonata in g minor, Op. 5 no. 5 for violin and continuo (Rome, 1700),
transcribed for viola da gamba and continuo
Adagio - Vivace - Adagio - Vivace - Giga (Allegro)
Maurizio Cazzati (1616-1678)
Sonata Quarta "La Cagnola”,
from Sonate a violino, violone e b.c. Op. 55 (Bologna, 1670)
Allegro - Largo - Grave - Largo
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
Cento Partite sopra Passacagli, F.29,
from Toccate e partite d'intavolatura, Libro 1 (1637)
Toccata per Spinettina e Violino F.8.49, from Canzoni Libro 1 (1628)
Giovanni Paolo Cima (1570? — 1630)
Sonata for violin and violone, from Concerti Ecclesiastici (1610)
Discovered Gems - Music from the Düben Collection
Johann Rosenmüller (1619 -1684)
Sonata Quinta à 3
from Sonatae à 2,3,4 e 5 stromenti da arco et altri (1682)
Grave - Largo - Adagio - Presto - Adagio
Jean-Fery Rebel (1666 - 1747)
Violin Sonata No. 5 in D Major (1713)
Viste - Légèrement - Sarabande - Viste - Gigue
Johann Vierdanck (1605-1646)
Sonata for two solo violins
Philipp Heinrich Erlebach (1657 - 1714)
Sonata No. 3 in A major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo (1694)
Adagio - Allemande - Courante - Sarabande - Ciaconne - Final (Adagio)
Dietrich Becker (1623 – 1679)
Sonata in C minor for 2 violins, viola da gamba & basso continuo,
from Zwey-stimmiger Sonaten und Suiten (1674)
Adagio piano - Allegro - Adagio piano piano
Peter Philips (1561 — 1628)
Pavana and Galliarda Doloroso. Treg[ian] (1593)
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (c. 1620-1680)
Sonata XII for 2 violins, viola da gamba & basso continuo
(from Duodena selectarum sonatarum, 1659)
Jean-Marie Leclair (1697-1764)
Ouverture, Op.13
Marin Marais (1656 -1728)
Trio pour le coucher du Roi: Suite in g minor
Joseph-Barnabé Saint-Sevin, dit L′Abbé le Fils (1727–1803)
Deuxième Suite d’Airs d’Opéra, for two violins
François Couperin ‘le Grand’ (1668 - 1733)
from Les Nations: Premier Ordre ‘La Françoise’
La Sultane
Deuxième Récreation en Musique, Op.8
November 2017 program:
Music Restored -
Chamber music from 17th & 18th century England
Henry Purcell (1659-1695) Sonata #5 in g minor Z.806, from 10 Sonatas in 4 Parts
Nicola Matteis (c.1670-1713)
Ayre in C, from Ayres in 3 Parts, Libro Primo
Henry Purcell
From “The Second Part of Musicke’s Hand-Maid”
A New Ground Z.T682
Sefauchi’s Farewell Z.656
A New Scotch Tune Z.655
Thomas Arne (1710-1778)
Sonata #7 in e minor, from 7 Sonatas for 2 violins &
basso continuo, Op. 3
Tobias Hume (1579-1645)
The First Part of Ayres
Tickle Me Quickly
Touch Me Lightly
Loves Farewell
William Lawes (1602-1645)
Sonata #8 in D+ for violin, viol, and harpsichord
Nicola Matteis
Ayres for the Violin
William Boyce (1711-1779)
Sonata #3 in A+
September 2017 program:
Sudden Beauty - Extraordinary music from 17th century Germany and England
This concert presents exquisite instrumental music from 17th century Germany and England, with its characteristic virtuosity and ravishing, audacious harmonies.
Johann Adam Reincken (1643-1722)
Sonata #2 in Bb major, from Hortus Musicus
2 violins, viola da gamba, & continuo
Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)
Sonata #2 in a minor Bux 272, for violin and viola da gamba
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Suite Suite in D minor [Z.668} from "A Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet", London, 1696
Henry Purcell
Sonata #4 in F+ Z.793 (from 12 Sonatas in 3 parts)
2 violins, viola da gamba, organ
Johann Vierdanck (1605-1646)
Sonata a 2 violini soli
Henry Purcell
Sonata #3 in a minor Z. 804 (from Sonatas of 4 parts)
French & German instrumental music from the early baroque
Jean-Fery Rebel
Violin sonata in A+
P.H. Erlebach
Sonata in D+ for violin and viola da gamba
Jacques Duphly
'La Forqueray' (Troisième Livre, 1758) - harpsichord solo
Dieterich Buxtehude
Sonata in a minor Bux WV272 for violin
and viola da gamba
Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre
Sonata No. 2 in D major (from Sonates pour le violon et pour le clavecin 1707)
Marin Marais
Sonnerie de Ste. Genevieve du Mont
de Paris
Fire and Finesse:
French and Italian music of the early 18th century
with guest harpsichordist Jonathan Oddie
Jean-Fery Rebel
Trio Sonata No. 5 in D Major, 'La Pallas'
Giovanni Legrenzi
'La Bevilacqua', Op.8, No.8
harpsichord solo tba
Jean-Fery Rebel
Sonata No. 5 in D Major
Antonio Vivaldi
Suonata a solo facto per Monsieur Pisendel in C Major, RV2
Jean-Marie Leclair
Première recréation de musique, Op. 6 in D Major
The early 18th century was witness to a period of profound changes in intellectual and cultural life, literacy, and attitudes towards government and religion; the age of enlightenment brought with it a belief in the power of human reason to investigate and understand nature and human society.
In France, there was a transition from a court culture dominated by Louis XIV, to the new public sphere, where the young nobility, and increasingly affluent and literate bourgeoisie established salons in which to cultivate the work of writers, artists and musicians. While Versailles had previously been the centre of government and culture, musicians commonly kept residences both at Court and in Paris, travelling between the two centres. Increasingly, Italian musicians and composers travelled to Paris, bringing with them the fiery, virtuosic Italian style and forms. The sonata and cantata were two genres which were well-suited to the salon, and French chamber music began to reflect the union of French and Italian styles. Although there was considerable debate about the superiority of French suavity and finesse or the passion and fire of Italian music, inevitably aspects of both were incorporated into each others’ compositions.
“A German Spring”
Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber (1644-1704)
Partita VI in D major (from Harmonia Artificiosa-Ariosa)
Johann Philipp Krieger (1649-1725)
Sonata Quarta in F major (from XII Suonate a doi Op.2)
Jacob Riehmann (1680-1726)
Sonata VI Op. 1 for viola da gamba and b.c.
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (c. 1620-1680)
Sonata X for 2 violins, viola da gamba & b.c.
(from Duodena selectarum sonatarum)
Johann Rosenmüller (1619-1684)
Sonata Sesta à 3
J.H. Schmelzer
Sonata IX for violin, viola da gamba & b.c.
Johann Jacob Froberger (1616-1667)
Suite IV in F Major
H.I.F. von Biber
Partita V for 2 violins, & b.c. in g minor